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Feel confident with what you say.


Know your perspective.

Understanding what shaped your point of view enables more thoughtful conversations with others. 86% of us have fallen victim to disinformation (Ipsos, 2019). False and incomplete stories limit our perspective on the world.

Over time, consuming and sharing fake news leads to social isolation. Prevent ending up in a bubble by focusing on accurate information. Read the stories and the sources that back them up. 

Thorough knowledge of a subject joined by your opinion elevates your ability to have good conversations. Define your position and stay open to information and opinions supported by facts. 

Get a grasp of what's out there and broaden your knowledge with books on topics that interest you.


Tune your voice.

The ability to communicate effectively is our most valuable skill. 89% of workers say poor communication greatly affects them (Forbes Advisor, 2023). Training your communication skills increases trust and reduces stress.

Become an effective communicator by adopting an assertive communication style. Speak with charisma, confidence, and respect. 

Invest in your style as you speak to relatives, friends, and colleagues at home, work, or events. Feel more comfortable in your ability to lay out your opinions and answer questions with thoughtful answers.

Evaluate your communication skills and discover our resources to help you improve.


Shape your conversations.

Consuming information is easier than contributing to it. Most adults have Facebook accounts but only 34% post content (Gallup, 2023). We prefer to spend our time scrolling through content created by others.

The internet makes the world feel incredibly polarized. Word attacks generate more traction than content-rich dialogue. Surprisingly, we're often more aligned than the online space makes us believe.

When more of us share our perspectives and opinions, the global town square is more engaging and inclusive. There's a safe space for everyone to connect that invites you to contribute to conversations about topics you care about.