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What we do.

Services that transform your business.

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HAVES Consulting

Consult insights that elevate your business.

At HAVES Digital, we help you stay on top of it all. With technical innovation at a high pace and an incredibly dynamic market, you need to focus on your core business.

Our Consultants bring the insights and expertise that help you stay on track. You focus on your core business instead of burning resources on research. We provide data-backed information and concrete plans to optimize performance.

With years of hands-on experience in small, medium, and large organizations, our Consultants know what approach works best and how to tailor it to the unique requirements of your organization.

We believe in offering options. There are many ways to help you achieve your goals. One may suit your organization better than others. That's why you'll always be presented with a set of options to choose from.

Consultants from HAVES Digital continue to work with you after you've selected the desired plan of approach. We deliver clear next steps and resources to help you implement the plan.


Structure your teams and processes.

In a highly competitive market, resources are scarce. HAVES Digital helps you maximize the utilization of your resources.

We help identify and address gaps in your teams and processes and implement the most optimal structures.

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HAVES Automation

Automate your operations at scale.

Your teams need to be free from distractions. Work and processes are easily clogged with repetitive activities that hold back your organization. HAVES Digital designs solutions leveraging the latest technology to augment work.

Objective reviews of your practices cross-compared against those of other organizations in the same industry and similar business areas help uncover the potential of automation for your business. 

We enable you to stay focused on activities that require human skills by automating tasks and processes. An automation-infused workplace saves resources and creates opportunities to propel your business forward.

Our automation services are complemented with data analyses and detailed descriptions. Through interactive interfaces, you proactively identify and address bottlenecks in your teams and processes.

At HAVES Digital, we use best practices to design workflows that can easily be explained, maintained, and updated. Although our services are always available, our approach supports autonomy through self-service capability.


Train your people and equip teams with skills.

Acquiring skilled resources is costly and a constant exercise. At HAVES Digital, we help you develop in-demand skills internally.

Effective learning methods support the quick evolution of junior to senior resources and reduce their time-to-performance.

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Leverage insights and expertise to optimize your organization's performance and business outcomes.


Streamline processes and eliminate roadblocks inside and outside of your organization for maximum efficiency.


Focus your attention and resources on activities that require specialized skills while having automation do the rest.


Equip yourself, your teams, and your clients with the skills to succeed in an increasingly dynamic world.


Recent Projects


HubSpot Integration

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Custom Module Development

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Frequently asked questions.

Knowledge at your fingertips.

How does HAVES Digital help organizations?

HAVES Digital provides you with the products and services to scale your business. Plain and simple, our experts provide you with the processes and materials to plug into your operations. Depending on your preferences, you choose to access our self-service platform and/or get on-demand support from our consultants.

How much does it cost to get started with HAVES OS?

We'll provide you with a free 3-day pass to access the platform and experience whether it suits your requirements. Post-trial, you can extend lifetime access starting from $499.

What makes HAVES Consulting different from other consulting services?

At HAVES Digital, we believe that practical know-how outcompetes theoretical knowledge. Our consultants are equipped with first-hand knowledge and expertise. During a free two-hour consult, you get to know the consultant and the supporting team dedicated to your account.

Get to know us.

Interested in working together? We'd love to hear from you!